Tag: pgex4t2

Melanin as a target for melanoma chemotherapy: pro-oxidant effect of oxygen and metals on melanoma viability.
Melanoma cells have a poor means to mediate oxidative stress, which can be attributed to constitutive abnormalities of their melanosomes. We hypothesize that disorganization of the melanosomes will permit chemical concentrating on of the melanin inside. Chemical research present that beneath oxidative circumstances, artificial melanins display elevated metallic affinity and a susceptibility to redox biking…
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B-Galalactosidase Recombinant Aden
Background Recombinant adenoviruses have enormous potential in both research and therapeutic applications. There are numerous advantages in using adenovirus to introduce genetic material into host cells. The range of permissive host cells is very wide. The virus has been used to infect many types of mammalian cells (both replicative and non-replicative) for high expression of…
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