Tag: pcdna3 egfp

Structure and mechanism of the Rubisco-assembly chaperone Raf1.
DNA barcoding coupled excessive decision melting (Bar-HRM) is an rising technique for species discrimination based mostly on DNA dissociation kinetics. The purpose of this work was to judge the suitability of various primer units, derived from chosen DNA areas, for Bar-HRM evaluation of species in Croton (Euphorbiaceae), one of many largest genera of crops with…
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Allium sativum Lectin (ASA)
Resume The immunomodulatory proteins present in garlic have recently been shown to be identical to the garlic lectins ASA I and ASA II [Clement F, Pramod SN, Venkatesh YP. In t. Immunopharmacol. 2010; 10: 316-324]. In this study, the stability of garlic lectins has been examined as a function of pH, temperature, and denaturants in…
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